From last few decades, there have been many cases stepped out about identity fraud. It can be experienced in any form. Either it could attack person on losing his wallet or through hacked account by third-party user. When a person loses his purse, it might cause serious problem as it contains useful information such as passwords of email-id used for accessing bank account, signed cheque of cash or keys of locker.
It might cause danger for person if his personal information gets disclosed. After stolen identity, it is important for person to perform following steps:
Check Bank Transactions - immediately check all the bank transactions you gone through from last month. It is highly important to know if someone else is using your account or not. Check if all important documents of property, fixed deposit, gold and cash are on their exact place or not.
Immediately Change Passwords – if you are connected with online banking then change your passwords immediately. Don’t use name as your passwords. Try to make it different.
Place a Complaint at Police Station - call police and tells him whole story regarding identity fraud. When and how it happened. Don’t forget to note down complaint number.
Start Tracking Records - try to note each of transaction, expenses or cost you made that month. This would really helped people in recognizing fraud attempt to take out cash from existing account.
Contact Credit Agency - it is must for person to call all three agencies of Canada naming - Trans Union Canada, Equifax Canada and Experian. You need to place a complaint regarding identity fraud in each of three agencies. On filing a report, you will immediately get credit report. From these credit reports, you can know each detail of previous transaction.
Immediately Approach to Financial Expert – ask your bank accountants to close down all the accounts running in name of you. Inform him about identity fraud and tell him to stops all the transaction if going.
Carefully Read Credit Report – analyze your credit report carefully. If found something wrong, straight away speak to credit agency.